Let it Go, Koromo


The stars hang high in Tokyo tonight
Not a mahjong table to be seen
Kingdom of apartment porno, and it looks like I'm the queen
My cunt is moistening like this lady cock inside
Couldn't keep it in - heaven knows I tried
I'll let her in, I'll let her see
I'll be the good girl I always wanted to be
Conceal her massive rod of steel
And now I want to feel
Let it go
Let it go
Let it go in my twat
Let it go
Let it go
Koromo, let it go
Just suck my twat
Suck my twat
Just suck my twat
Suck my twat
Let this cum rage on
I'm at least bi or lesbian anyway
It's time to see what she can do
Like shove this plastic cock in my pussy and make it bleed too
No right, no wrong, this bedroom is free
Oh god I'm gonna pee
Let it go
Let it go
Let it go in my twat
Let it go
Let it go
Koromo, let it go
Just suck my twat
Suck my twat
Just suck my twat
Let this cum rage on
I'm at least bi or lesbian anyway